Recovery Stories

Thank you Bike Index and BVT Bike Recovery Group! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Marielle Bike recovered 2025.3.27

Thank you Bike Index and BVT Bike Recovery Group! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Asah Bike recovered 2025.3.27

Thank you Bike Index and BVT Bike Recovery Group! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Neal Bike recovered 2025.3.27

Thank you Bike Index and BVT Bike Recovery Group! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Dan Bike recovered 2025.3.27

Thank you Bike Index and BVT Bike Recovery Group! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bike Bike recovered 2025.3.27

Tracy, Bike Detective, contacted me after finding my bike on Facebook marketplace. She and I worked with the Seattle Police Department to confront the person trying to resell my bike, and the police recovered it for me after validating the Serial Number. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Eric Bike recovered 2025.3.24

The bike was listed For Sale on, two prospective buyers checked Bike Index, saw it was Stolen and alerted me/owner. Police did a sting operation, caught the thief in possession of stolen goods, recovered the bike and returned it to me. Big props to Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Paul Bike recovered 2025.3.23

A friend found it and brought it back! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kelly Bike recovered 2025.3.20

Stolen in 2010, returned in 2025, thanks Bike Index!!!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Harold Bike recovered 2025.3.20

Someone shared a marketplace post with me and I was able to confirm location. I was then able to share the location with the RCMP who recovered it for me. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jennifer Bike recovered 2025.3.17

The person who bought my bike from the thief saw your posting on Facebook! He checked the serial number, saw it was stolen, then called the police. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Peter Bike recovered 2025.3.11

Calgary police found it at a location that it didn’t look like it belonged ran the VIN and traced it back to us! Thank you bike index 🙏🏼 translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jaymee Bike recovered 2025.3.8

The Edmonton Police recovered it on a Sunday evening. Because it was registered, they were able to call me and returned it to me that evening! This is the 2nd bike that I've recovered because of Bike Index ❤️ translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Eric Bike recovered 2025.3.6

Edmonton Police Service recovered my bike with help from Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Chris Bike recovered 2025.3.3

Thanks to the whole Twin Cities Stolen Bike group, who found the bike being sold on OfferUp and walked me through how to get it back from the seller. We met, took it back, didn't have any trouble, and now she's back home! Yay! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Emily Bike recovered 2025.2.26

My bike was listed for sale on Facebook Marketplace, and while I had already found the listing, someone also reached out via Bike Index to alert me. After I notified the Vancouver Police, they successfully recovered it. Bike Index proved to be an invaluable tool throughout the process. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Maciej Bike recovered 2025.2.26

Bike Index alerted that the bike was being sold on offer up. This bike was sold to another person in the community. Through a major effort a friend found out who the bike was sold to. Upon contacting them and paying them for the bike I was able to recover the bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Michael Bike recovered 2025.2.24

Someone purchased the contents of a local storage unit at an auction, and my bike was included! He ran the serial number on Bike Index to check if it had been stolen and ended up calling me to give it back. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Laura Bike recovered 2025.2.22

I got message from bike index that bike similar to reported appeared on OfferUp. I was able identify my bike on pictures on Ad. Everett Police Department helped with recovery. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Alexander Bike recovered 2025.2.17

A sticker linked to the bike index profile for my bike was scanned by a wonderful family who reached out and returned the bike less than 24 hours after it had been stolen. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Joseph Bike recovered 2025.2.14

A kind stranger bought it in person and saw it marked as stolen on bike index. Edmonton police made the connect, no damage done and bikes are safe and sound!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Micki Bike recovered 2025.2.10

A wonderful human spotted it and kept watch while I came and I was able to get it back! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Hannah Bike recovered 2025.2.10

Bike shop found serial number on Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Yue Bike recovered 2025.2.7

Mike Pavlik and some other members from the Twin Cities Stolen Bikes 2.0 facebook group found it for sale on marketplace, and used the serial number and Bike Index profile to get it back from the seller. Bike Index is a wonderful resource!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Britt Bike recovered 2025.2.6

Someone found the bike, looked online and found my listing on Bike Index and got in contact! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike William Bike recovered 2025.2.2

An incredibly kind gentleman working at CityTeam purchased the bike knowing it was likely stolen. He looked up the bike on bike index and contacted me. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Daniel Bike recovered 2025.1.29

Bonney Lake Bike Shop in Washington reached out to their local PD and the person who checked Bike Index reached out to me directly to let me know it was at the shop. The shop was incredibly helpful and so kind. It was really special to get this bike back after almost 2 years. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Eric Bike recovered 2025.1.28

A good Samaritan found it and it still had enough of the bike index sticker on the side to have it returned. Huzzah translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Andy Bike recovered 2025.1.27

Vancouver police contacted my son late last night and returned it to him. Many thanks to Bike Index and to the Vancouver Police Department. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Peter Bike recovered 2025.1.23

Bike Index volunteers in Edmonton spotted it on Facebook Marketplace and alerted me to it. I contacted Edmonton Police Service and they managed to recover the bike along with a great deal of other stolen property from the 'seller'. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Dan Bike recovered 2025.1.21

A bike shop called me to report that it was brought in and I recovered it from the metro police translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Sundjata Cargo Bike Rear (E.G. Longtail) recovered 2025.1.21

A kind member of the Bike Index community spotted it, they managed to get my bike back to me just 2.5 hours after I posted it on Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Pearl2025!!! Bike recovered 2025.1.18

Thanks to the Stolen Bike Calgary Facebook group somebody saw it locked on the side of the road downtown and they posted it . Someone posted my Bike Index posting and it flagged to me. I’m beyond grateful!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Rachel Bike recovered 2025.1.17

A good samaritan saw a facebook marketplace listing that matched my bike index/stolen facebook post, and with the aid of law enforcement, we recovered the bike by pretending to be interested buyers. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kelsey Bike recovered 2025.1.14

Thanks Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ruairi Bike recovered 2025.1.13

Incredibly observant and kind Portlander texted me with pictures and location of the bike. They even kept an eye on the bike until I was able to drive to the location to grab the bike back. Thank you thank you thank you to my fellow Portlander! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Daniel Bike recovered 2025.1.12

Email from awesome Bike Index user about an online Facebook ad. Notified Police, they conducted a sting and recovered the bike! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Eric Bike recovered 2025.1.9

A observant neighbor found it, and posted the find on Facebook / CO Stolen Bikes Watch page. Other users saw thr FB post, who had also seen on Bike Index my stolen bike and connected the dots. Within a couple hrs, Jonathan used Bike Index and contacted me via Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jeanne Bike recovered 2025.1.8

A King County Metro Transit Sheriff Deputy recognized it from the bike index listing! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ethan Bike recovered 2025.1.8

Someone from Bike Index let us know that it was listed on facebook marketplace and we informed the police who recovered it the next day. Thanks!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Melissa Bike recovered 2024.12.30

A Sunnyvale Police officer noticed the bike in an unusual location, confirmed it was stolen by looking up Bike Index and contacted me. Bike Index was super helpful! I'm so grateful to the police officer and Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Lavanya Bike recovered 2024.12.29

The bike was posted on kijiji and when a kind citizen went to look at it, they looked up the serial number on Bike Index, saw it was stolen and texted me. EPS then went and recovered the bike. Thank you Bike Index and EPS all for making this happen on Christmas Day. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kathryn Bike recovered 2024.12.26

Some one saw the bike ditched in woods near their home while they were walking their dog. They mentioned it to their father who saw the posts shared on facebook and contacted me to confirm it was the right bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Yohoki Bike recovered 2024.12.20

Thanks BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bike Bike recovered 2024.12.19

Thanks BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Blaine Bike recovered 2024.12.19

Thanks BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Lisa Bike recovered 2024.12.19

Thanks BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Tim Bike recovered 2024.12.19

Thanks BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike London Bike recovered 2024.12.19

Bike Recovery Action Team (BRAT) Seattle contacted me through Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike David Bike recovered 2024.12.19

Calgary Police Service contacted me to let me know they had checked bike index after responding to a call. They looked for my bike on bike index and matched the serial number. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jordan Bike recovered 2024.12.19