Embed a Bike Index registration form on your website

Bijgewerkt 2021-04-05T19:44:49-0500

Bike Index offers free web registration forms with every Bike Index organization account. Putting a registration form on your existing website is a super easy way to encourage your constituents to register their bikes with your organization on Bike Index.

Check out these examples:

You may have seen our article about hosting a registration drive where we discuss the various ways you can embed a registration form or have people sign up in your organization from a mobile device.

Basically, when you create your free Bike Index organization account, you'll have a custom account link that you can paste anywhere to get people to sign up in your org. The link is based around your organization's 'SHORTNAME'

To generate your organization’s URL, follow the formula:


You can find your organization's SHORTNAME in your Bike Index organization's admin profile:


When you paste the above link, with your personal short name included, you'll see an embed form like this:

registration form

And more than just linking out to it, you can embed the registration form on your site so that people can register without even leaving the page. Embedding the form is super easy - just surround your link with an iframe:

Non-stolen registration form code:

Stolen registration form code:

And that's all there is to it. Have users register their bikes with your organization on Bike Index without even having to host a registration drive or bring people in to register.