Someone bought it at a flea market, checked the serial, tracked me down through Bike Index and got it back to me - nearly three years after the theft! translated from English
Tommaso Bike recovered 2015.6.11Someone bought it at a flea market, looked up the serial number, called me and returned the bike! Bike Index was familiar to the person as they had just had their bike stolen so thanks Bike Index, you worked!!! translated from English
Andy Bike recovered 2015.6.9My bike was retrieved from a local flea market and reunited with me this past weekend through the Bike Index registration. Such joy to have this bike returned! It's got very high sentimental value, being a gift from and formerly ridden by my step father. translated from English
Mario Bike recovered 2015.6.8A wonderful good samaritan bought my bike for $80 from a homeless person, checked Bike Index, found that it was stolen and contacted me! I'm so relieved, and so grateful to my neighbor and to Bike Index! translated from English
Kate Bike recovered 2015.5.30King County Sheriff Sergeant Cindi West spotted the bike after looking at Bike Index, a dude on 3rd and Pike had it. When asked, he said it was his bike, and he'd had it for several months. Cindi knew this was incorrect and took the bike. translated from English
Bunny Bike recovered 2015.5.27A man found my bike in an alleyway, looked up the serial number, found my stolen bike listing on Bike and called me to tell me he would like to return my bike. 24 hours later I had my bike back with only some minor damage! translated from English
Adam Bike recovered 2015.5.16Someone found a craigslist ad featuring my bike. They contacted me through Bike Index to let me know, I contacted the craigslist poster and recovered my bike! translated from English
Amy Bike recovered 2015.5.7My Langster was stolen in Washington and sold on Offerup in Portland, but an eagle eyed Bike Index user ID'd it and got my stolen bike back to me! translated from English
Nicole Bike recovered 2015.5.6Because I registered it on Bike Index, I was tipped off by a Bike Index user and I got my bike back. I will recommend registration to all of my friends going forward! translated from English
Sterling Bike recovered 2015.5.5Portland police had this bike in their recovered evidence room, ran it through Bike Index, found the owner and returned it! translated from English
Christopher Bike recovered 2015.4.25The Bike Index integration with SeattleBikeBlog helped spread the word, leading to it being found, reclaimed and recovered. translated from English
Kelly Bike recovered 2015.4.13A very kind person contacted me through Bike Index. Someone listed a bike on craigslist matching my bike's description with the same stock photo. I met with the person and had the police nearby— when I identified the bike as mine (with the serial number), they helped me claim it. It had been gone for almost 2 months, I'd accepted it as gone, HUGE thanks! translated from English
emily Bike recovered 2015.3.31Atim, the Saint of Oakland, bought it from guy fencing it on San Pablo for $40, hunted me down online, found me on Bike Index, returned the bike, and refused a reward until I forced him to accept one. This all happened about one week after the theft. translated from English
Bryce Bike recovered 2015.3.27Police Officer found it dumped in a ditch, I got it back thanks to Bike Index! translated from English
Hayden Bike recovered 2015.3.24A super awesome person noticed someone with a poorly fitting bike left unlocked. She confirmed it matched the description and serial on Bike Index, the police took my bike for safekeeping. I wouldn't have gotten my bike back without you! You guys rock! translated from English
Joming Bike recovered 2015.3.20Portland Police Officer Ross Scott saw the listing in Bike Index, saw thief with bike, recovered the bike and returned the bike to me! translated from English
Deborah Bike recovered 2015.3.17A Bike Index user contacted me and delivered it to me safe and (mostly) sound - he wouldn't accept a reward, he was just happy to be able to reunite me with my bike :') translated from English
Tori Bike recovered 2015.3.17Portland Police officer saw the note about the bike being a tri-training bike on the Bike Index, pulled the thief and bike a couple hours later. translated from English
Katie Bike recovered 2015.3.16My bike was abandoned in an alley. The people who found it looked it up on Bike Index - I got my bike back less than two weeks after it was stolen! translated from English
Joseph Bike recovered 2015.3.13A little more than three months after it was stolen I received an email from an eagle-eyed Bike Index user with a link to a craigslist ad. Police set up a sting and recovered my bike, another stolen bike, and the guy selling them is a suspect in a local goat theft. translated from English
Nick Bike recovered 2015.3.4Someone found this listing and found the bike through Craigslist and contacted me! Yippee! translated from English
Carrie Bike recovered 2015.3.3The odds of recovering my bike 8 months later, in town, and in one piece had to be really slight. I wouldn't have it without the Bike Index. translated from English
Jordan Bike recovered 2015.2.25A homeless man found it abandoned, brought it to The Bicycle Repair Shop and asked if they could find out if it was a stolen bike. They found it on Bike Index and called me up. That evening I got the bike back mostly intact -- thanks! translated from English
Mark Bike recovered 2015.2.11Seattle Police recovered the bike and then found my listing here on Bike Index. translated from English
Jason Bike recovered 2015.1.29The owner of Use It Again Thrift Store found my bike at the back of his store. He looked it up in Bike Index, found my number and called me. translated from English
Chung-yan hung Bike recovered 2015.1.26A Portland police officer spotted my bike downtown. He ran it through the system and didn't find a matching serial number (because I had failed to record it), but he then found my report. The fenders and rack were taken, and it's got a few minor dings, but it's intact and running smoothly. WAHOO! translated from English
Rebecca Bike recovered 2015.1.22Portland Police officer Susan Abrahamson recovered it from Fat Tire Farm because it was marked stolen on Bike Index translated from English
Justin Bike recovered 2015.1.21A police officer encountered a suspicious bike and ran the number on Bike Index - my bike!! All accessories were gone, and the finish had been decimated with steel wool, but I have already powder coated it and am putting it back together. Bicyclists win! translated from English
Johnathan Bike recovered 2015.1.19A good citizen found it stashed in some bushes behind a Fred Meyer with a flat and the stickers partially scratched off. They matched it with the picture on Bike Index. Thanks a zillion!!! translated from English
Peter Bike recovered 2015.1.10Someone looking to buy a bike noticed it on Craigslist and checked the serial number. The bike has been painted, tires changed, handlebars switched, etc. but I feel happy to have it returned after almost 4 years! Portland Police picked it up and returned it to me!! Thanks SO MUCH Bryan Hance and Bike Index. translated from English
Julia Bike recovered 2015.1.4Seattle Police recovered the bike, identified it with the Bike Index and returned it! Thanks to @Bike Index/@stolenbikessea & @SPD, I've been reunited with my stolen bike! translated from English
Laurel Pederson Bike recovered 2014.12.30A buyer purchased on and noticed the serial number registered as stolen on the Bike Index. They contacted me and returned it. translated from English
Khoa Bike recovered 2014.12.29Someone handed in stripped frame at Manchester police station, the police used the Bike Index to find me and return the bike. translated from English
Bike recovered 2014.12.21Police department found the bike and contacted me with the Bike Index to return it. translated from English
Jeremy Bike recovered 2014.12.13After the Bike Index twitter tweeted a stolen bike alert, someone recognized my bike, tweeted a picture back, and we recovered the bike! translated from English
Jessica Bike recovered 2014.11.26A Good Samaritan saw it being ridden, checked the registry, confirmed that it was stolen, got in touch with me, and returned it to me. translated from English
dindurthy Bike recovered 2014.11.3Good Samaritan saw it being ridden, got a weird feeling, and offered to buy it. He checked Bike Index and confirmed that it was stolen, got in touch with me and returned it to me. translated from English
dindurthy Bike recovered 2014.11.3Dave at BackPedal CycleWorks saw my bike on Bike Index when an unsuspecting buyer brought it in for a check over. I'm amazed I've gotten my beloved wheels back, and incredibly grateful to Dave and Bike Index. translated from English
John Bike recovered 2014.10.8